Black Fathers, NOW! Episode 74-Too High to get over, Too Low to get under…Do you feel Stuck in the Middle? Wisdom derived from a MJ Classic…Take Action!


and the book,

Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” currently available via or or

Today’s Quick Episode uses one of the most popular Grooves of all time to inspire you to get “Unstuck” in the middle.  The King of Pop AKA Michael Jackson’s “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin” is the backdrop for this dynamic episode.

Make sure to Subscribe to this podcast via iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.  Please leave comments, ratings and reviews and PLEASE share this with other folks who feel, “Stuck in the Middle”. 

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Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D



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Black Fathers, NOW! Episode 73-Are YOU an Abolitionist, an Extractor or a Conductor? Insight from the Unity Ride along the path of the Underground Railroad with Doug Minter, Knoxville, TN

Sponsor: and the Book “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto”…grab a copy at or  Also available on

Today’s Guest is The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Small Business Development director, Doug Minter.  Doug is a Father and an all around solid brother!  In this episode we dive into Doug’s recent experience on the “Unity Ride” From New Orleans to Canada via Bicycle.  This bike ride followed the path of the Underground Railroad.  Along the way, Doug was exposed to so much history.  One of the concepts he introduces to the Black Fathers, NOW family is that of being an “Extractor” on the Underground Railroad.  Lots of Gems in this episode!  In our discussion, we also reference a local non-profit  Please visit and consider supporting this worthwhile organization that’s serving our children!

Connect with Doug by visiting

make sure to follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter

Please share this episode and leave plenty of reviews and comments…Subscribe via Apple Podcasts/Stitcher/Google Play

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D

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Black Fathers, NOW! Episode 72-In Hindi, the same word is used for “yesterday” and “tomorrow” (Wisdom and Perspective on the Power of Today)

Sponsor: and the new book “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” which is available on or as well as

Today’s quick thought provoking episode makes you THINK a lot about Today!  In the Hindi Language, the Word used for “Yesterday” and “Tomorrow” is exactly the same.  The only thing that separates the two is context…Marinate on that!

make sure to follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @blkFathersNOW via Twitter

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Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D

Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW! Ep: 71-Dynamic Conversation on Fatherhood and being inspired by books Authored by Black Folks with Author and Filmmaker Dr. Khalid White


Grab a copy of “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” via or …its also available on

Today’s Conversation is with Author and Filmmaker Dr. Khalid White.  He’s the author of the Film and Book “Black Fatherhood: Trials & Tribulations Testimony & Triumph“.  visit to grab a copy and see what else Dr. White has going on.  This dope conversation will inspire you for sure!  some of the things discussed:

-How Growing up being surrounded by books with Black Authors inspired him

-Going to An HBCU (Morehouse College) was his intro into All Black Excellence

-Seeds Planted early by his parents

-How the Michael Brown Murder served as a catalyst

and so much more…

Make sure to follow Dr. Khalid White @BlkmPwr via Facebook, Instagram and twitter.  Make sure to let him know you heard about him via the Black Fathers, NOW! Podcast.

Make sure to follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter

Please make sure to Share this episode with EVERY Brother that you know…

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!


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Black Fathers, NOW! :Ep: 70-True FREEDOM means being a Slave to Nothing! (Wisdom)

Sponsor: use code “summer” at checkout for 10% off through the end of August 2018!

Grab a copy of my new book, “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” by visiting or

Its also available on

Today’s Quick Message Presents the concept, “Being a Slave to Nothing”, and how that leads to True Freedom!  I’d Love to hear your thoughts on this concept.  Make sure to subscribe to this podcast via iTunes/Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Tunein Radio, Spotify or ANYWHERE you consume podcasts…

Please Leave comments and share this episode with others!

Make sure to follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!


Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW! Ep: 69-Roundtable discussion of 3 Married Black Couples Traveling in Jamaica (Sneakers and Planes)


Make sure to visit or to grab a copy of my new book, “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto”…its also available on

Today’s Episode is another installment of the “Sneakers and Planes” series.  In this episode you’ll hear a round table discussion between My wife Myisha, My sisters in law Sparkle and Victoria and my brothers Daniel and David and I on our recent trip to Jamaica.  We chop it up on the importance of Travel, Marriage, Family, Communication and continually developing our relationships.  This is definitely a Dope Discussion!  Make sure to follow @BlackFathersNOW via Facebook and Instagram and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter.  Subscribe via Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Stitcher and Google play…and Please Share this Episode with others!!!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D

Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW! Ep: 68-Before You Criticize… (Wisdom)

Sponsor: use code “summer” until 8/31/18 to receive 10% off total order!!! 

Visit or to grab a copy of “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto”.  10 Commitments Black Fathers need to make to improve our Families and Communities!  Grab a copy from as well.

Today’s Quick episode uses an example to challenge whether or not you should “Criticize” before you peel the layers back to see if there is something for you to learn or not.  Thought Provoking…

Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play to “Black Fathers, NOW!” and follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter

be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D


Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW!: Special Anniversary Episode!!! Celebrating 9yrs of Marriage to my Beautiful Wife Myisha J. Dorsey

Today’s Episode is a Happy Anniversary Shout out to my Love, My Wife, Myisha Dorsey!  Fella’s, we MUST take time to celebrate our Women!  Happy Anniversary Babe…I Love YOU!!!

Grab a copy of “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” on!!!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!!!

Mike D

Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW! Ep: 67-Understanding Islam and Creativity with International Storyteller and Father of 9, William Mustafa

Sponsor: visit the site and use code “Summer” at checkout for 10% off your total order through 8/31/18!!!

Be sure to visit or and grab a copy of my new book “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto”.  Its also available on

Today’s Interview was absolutely powerful!!!  I had the unique opportunity to interview my Cousin; the world-traveling artist with a dynamic story…William Mustafa!  William is an internationally recognized creative that takes Art to the next level.  He’s also the father of 9, a practicing Muslim and lives between the USA and Italy.  We actually conducted this interview while he’s in Milan, Italy!  During this interview we discuss:

-Entrepreneurship at an early age

-The Practice of Islam

-International Travel

-Being Married to someone of a different culture and religion

-the challenges of having 3 kids before he was 19

and so much more…

Connect with William via Facebook: @Artworks of William Mustafa

Youtube: Artworks of William Mustafa/The Imageneer

Instagram: @ArtworksofWilliamMustafa

and make sure to let him know you heard about him on Podcast!

as always follow @BlackFathersNOW via Facebook and Instagram and subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play to “Black Fathers, NOW!”…Leave Plenty of Reviews!!!

Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

Mike D


Check out this episode!

Black Fathers, NOW! Ep: 66-“I came Alone, I stand with 10,000”-Maya Angelou…Timeless Wisdom


visit or to grab a copy of my hot new book, “Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto” A commitment to excellence in Life, Fatherhood and the support of Dynamic Black Men.

Today’s quick episode references a quote from Maya Angelou…Simply put, You are NOT alone!  make sure to share this episode with family a friends!!!!  Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play.  Follow @BlackFathersNOW via Instagram and Facebook and @BlkFathersNOW via Twitter

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Be Blessed, Well and Wise

Mike D

Check out this episode!